Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Summer 2007: Nurikabe
The idea of Nurikabe is to color each square in an n x n grid white or black according to the following rules:

This month's puzzle is to solve the following 9 x 9 Nurikabe puzzle.
- Each numbered cell must be part of a connected white region (connected always means edge-to-edge, not corner-to-corner).
- Each connected white region must contain exactly one number, and this value is the number of white cells in the region (including the numbered cell).
- The black region must be connected.
- There can be no 2 x 2 blocks of black cells.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
April 2007: Kakuro
Kakuro is a crossword-like puzzle with numbers instead of letters. The object of the game is to place the digits 1 through 9 in each of the open cells so that the sum of each "word" matches the clue and there is no duplication of digits in a given word. The clues are given above or to the left of the given word. In other words, numbers above the diagonal are clues for the word to the right and numbers below the diagonal are clues for the word below. An example, with solution, is shown below.
This month's puzzle is to solve the following Kakuro puzzle.

